“The DLEAG Hour” is an engaging weekly program presented by the dedicated personnel of the Drug Law Enforcement Agency, The Gambia (DLEAG). This enlightening series aims to create awareness and educate the public about drug law enforcement, drug abuse prevention, and related issues.Join the knowledgeable team from the DLEAG as they discuss a wide range of topics, including the dangers of drug abuse, the impact on society, enforcement efforts, and rehabilitation initiatives. Through informative discussions and interviews, “The DLEAG Hour” provides valuable insights into the challenges faced in combating drug-related issues and the measures taken to ensure public safety.Tune in weekly to stay informed, gain a deeper understanding of drug law enforcement, and learn about the initiatives undertaken by the DLEAG to combat drug abuse in The Gambia. “The DLEAG Hour” is your opportunity to be part of the conversation and contribute to creating a drug-free society. |